Sarcastically Special as the blog title reads, is ambiguous enough to raise eyebrows as to what it actually means. Well, as many eyes, as many interpretations, each one for his own. And in fact, that is what special is, we aren't. Yes, this is what the message behind the name plate coined on the top of the page is. We are NOT special, yes, somehow not, and what we love about this is, this fact itself, not being special, but being ordinary.
They say each one is special in its own ways. Someone is an artist, a writer or a designer but we are two engineers who are in no way special. We are not born for any special purpose and actually lead a very normal life. We are lazy, we believe someone will do miracles for us and we don’t like work.
Every one is special in some way or the other, this seems too clichéd for us to believe. Though, we are happy about the fact that the world believes that everyone is special and gifted. Partially, even we do believe that, and sincerely are grateful to The Almighty for the same, but what we also do believe is the fact that sometimes being special is just being simple, just being ordinary, and from there is derived the inspiration for our pen name and blog name.
We find sarcasm in being called Special (this being said with no offence, seriously!), but we somehow can't relate to it. But still if for the sake of calling everyone special, we would love to be known as Sarcastically Special